Friday 3 February 2017


Most definitely ups and downs but we have pushed through and made it and we are all so proud and feel accomplished of our final product 'Unbalance'.

Kaeja's vlog about the project


Looking back on our initial ideas and comparing them to our final product, I can happily say that I'm proud of what we have produced. We have had a very stressful couple of months but it was definitely worth it. We have learnt a number of skills which were put into practise to achieve our final opening sequence. There were a lot of obstacles we had to overcome as a group and we managed to do that effectively. It's been an exciting experience that I was proud to take part in. 

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Blogging health check 3

Overall I am unsatisfied with the results of the blogger health check as I have felt myself constantly working on the media project so to see to me be slightly under target is quite disheartening. I will try to achieve my targets by the end of this week to hopefully increase my mark.

Blogging Health Check 3

I can't say i'm happy about my grade so far but I know how to improve on it, there are things that I know I should have completed and that is my fault, but now hopefully, I can improve in time and get a good grade.
Overall, the making of the title sequence was very stressful and tiring but it came up with a great outcome, I would say I am very proud of our project, we had little fights but eventually overcame them and wouldn't have picked a better group that this one and along with this journey and found out how to edit and and use many technologies, also how to get great camera shots for the best results. To conclude, I feel like I learnt a lot this year and it may not come with the grade I wanted but i can say I have improved my knowledge and it was a great experience.